Draw Toolbar in Autocad 2015

Toolbars in AutoCAD

Introduction to Toolbars in AutoCAD

AutoCAD is a commercial aided designing software used for different designing purposes. When you learn about AutoCAD very first, you have to learn about the toolbars. Herewith this tutorial, you will have good command on the toolbars and once you have good command working on AutoCAD becomes an easy game for you.

In Toolbars, we learn about the different types of designing tools such as line command, circle command, dimensions command, text command, and many more. Let us start our tutorial with great enthusiasm and make AutoCAD an easy task for us.

Familiarize yourself with ToolBars of AutoCAD

Here we learn about all major tools of toolbars in a step by step manner. According to our drawing, we also learn about setting a limit in AutoCAD because it is a necessary part of AutoCAD drawing. We will also have a look at how to restore ToolBars if it is not showing in our working area.

Restoring of ToolBar

Here we have no toolbar on our workspace.

Restoring Toolbar in AutoCAD

Step 1: For the restoring toolbar, just clicks on the AutoCAD symbol, i.e. 'A' and click on the options button.

AutoCAD symbol

Step 2: Then click on Profile and choose the blue highlighted option as shown in the below image and click on the Reset button.

Reset Button in AutoCAD Toolbars

Step 3: After resetting, a dialog box will open as shown in the below image, then click on Yes or press OK.

Profile Resetting in AutoCAD Toolbars

Step 4: Your Toolbars will be restored now, and you can see them here.

restored toolbar in AutoCAD Toolbars

Setting Limit in AutoCAD

Step 1: Type the first three letters of the limit command, i.e. lim, and it will automatically show the limits option; then, choose it and press Enter key it will ask for the lower limit of your workspace and the upper limit one by one.

Step 2: I will set a lower limit (0,0). Here, I am considering units in mm. and after applying the limit, press Enter and again 'z' then Enter and again 'A' then Enter.

lower limit in AutoCAD Toolbar

Step 3: And setting upper limit according to my drawing suppose (100, 100). Here I am considering units in mm. and after applying the limit, press Enter and again 'z' the Enter and 'A' then Enter.

upper limit in AutoCAD Toolbar

Now the workspace has been set according to our drawing.

Group of Tools

Let's start our introduction to tools one by one. We have different groups of the tool here, such as Draw, Modify, Annotation, etc. We will learn about all the groups.

group of tools in AutoCAD Toolbar

1. Line Tool

Step 1: Take line command from draw group tool by simply left-clicking on it.

Line Tool in AutoCAD Toolbar

Step 2: Next, we will specify the first point from where we want to start our line by simply clicking on the working area and then set a length of 60 mm- then press Enter key.

Specifying the first point

Step 3: For creating a straight-line, turn 'Orth On' by pressing F8 on the keyboard or click on the Orth option at the lower right corner.

Orth option

Step 4: Here, you can draw a line with any angle and first give length, press the tab key, and give angles. I will give length 40 mm, an angle of 30 degrees and press Enter key.

Giving Angles

Step 5: For exiting from any command, press Enter or Esc key on the keyboard.

2. Polyline Tool

Step 1: Take polyline command to draw toolbar group and follow the same steps as we did in the line command.

Polyline Tool in AutoCAD Toolbar

Step 2: The major difference between line and polyline is that the object created by line does not work as one object, but polyline makes one object, as shown in the below image.

line and polyline

3. Circle Tool

Step 1: Take circle command from the Drag tool group.

Circle Tool in AutoCAD Toolbar

Step 2: Now specify the first point.

first point

Step 3: Give the radius and press Enter key.

Radius to the point

Step 4: We have different types of circle drawing options in the circle command; you can use them according to your requirement.

circle drawings

4. Arc Tool

Step 1: Arc command is used for creating an arc in different types of drawings.

Arc Tool in AutoCAD Toolbar

Step 2: Take the arc command and specify the start point by clicking on any point.

Start point

Step 3: Give the value of the second point where you want the arc.

Second point

Step 4: Specify the endpoint or value where you can connect the arc or end the arc.


Step 5: We have different types of arcs here, which we use according to our requirement.

types of arcs

5. Rectangle Tool

Step 1: Take a rectangle tool from the draw tool group.

Rectangle Tool in AutoCAD Toolbar

Step 2: Give the first corner from where you want to draw a rectangle.

First corner

Step 3: Then give length and press tab to give breadth according to you and press Enter.

Length and Breadth

6. Pentagon Tool

Step 1: Take the pentagon command from the draw tool group. For drawing it, first, give the number of sides press Enter key.

Pentagon Tool in AutoCAD Toolbar

Step 2: Give the center point of the pentagon.

center point

Step 3: It will ask now whether it is inscribed in a circle or circumscribed about a circle; select anyone according to your requirement.

Circle option

Step 4: Give radius and press Enter to complete the command.


7. Ellipses Tool

Step 1: Take the ellipses tool from the draw tool group.

Ellipses Tool in AutoCAD Toolbar

Step 2: Specify center point and give the endpoint.

center point and endpoint

Step 3: Set the radius according to your requirement and left-click to complete the command.

Setting the radius

Modify Commands in AutoCAD Toolbars

We use this command group for creating any type of modification in the drawn objects. Let's take a look at some modified commands.

1. Move

Step 1: It is used for moving an object from one place to another place.

moving an object

Step 2: For moving, take the move command, select the object, press Enter key, and give the base point.

move command

Step 3: Give the direction and distance at which point you want to.

direction and distance

2. Copy

Step 1: It is used for copying the object. Take copy command and select object then press Enter key and give base point.

copying the object

Step 2: Give direction and click to leave the copied objects. You can make multiple copies at a time.

copied objects

3. Mirror

Step 1: It is used for making the mirror of the object.

mirror of the object

Step 2: Take mirror command and select object, then press Enter key.

mirror command

Step 3: Give the mirror line, then press Enter key; say Yes to delete the original object or No if you don't want to delete it.

mirror line

4. Scale

Step 1: Take scale and select object, then give base point.

Take Scale

Step 2: Give scale factor and press Enter key.

scale factor

5. Trim

Step 1: Take Trim

Trim option

Step 2: Select cutting edge, then press the Enter key.

cutting edge

Step 3: Select the trimming line and click to trim it.

trimming line

6. Offset

Step 1: Take the offset and give base points.

base points in AutoCAD Toolbar

Step 2: Press the Enter key to give direction and click to apply this command.

Applying Direction

7. Erase

Step 1: Select the Erase option.

Erase option in AutoCAD Toolbar

Step 2: Select the object and press Enter.

Selecting the object

Annotation Command Group

Let us look at the options in the Annotation command group.

Dimension Command

Select the object first point and drag to the second point, click and drag in the vertical direction to show dimension.

Dimension Command

Layer Command

Go on layer property.

layer property

Create different layers.

different layers

Set colors and style.

colors and style

Use them according to use by choosing them one by one at a time.

Choosing colors

Final result.

Final Object


Now, after becoming familiar with the tools of AutoCAD, you will find a big change in your knowledge about AutoCAD tools. AutoCAD tools are no more question mark for you. After this session, you will definitely enhance your expertise in AutoCAD designing.

Recommended Articles

This has been a guide to Toolbars in AutoCAD. Here we have discussed an overview on AutoCAD, restoring toolbars in AutoCAD, with different groups in toolbars. You can also go through our other related articles to learn more –

  1. Template in AutoCAD
  2. Install AutoCAD
  3. Advantages of AutoCAD
  4. Lines in AutoCAD


Source: https://www.educba.com/toolbars-in-autocad/

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